Monday, May 28, 2007

Shaping Stands

Finally finished my shaping stands today after slacking off for a few days. I used some leftover foam from an old mattress pad for padding. On top of the foam I used some rubber cabinet liner material to make the "U"-shaped part that holds the board on its side. Zip ties and tape in various places keeps everything together. I dunno if its technically correct, but it looks good enough. Take a look:

Called the guy at KingMac foam and inquired about my blank order. Apparently, he's having trouble getting an estimate for the shipping cost on my blanks. Not to mention one of the blanks I ordered is out of stock in his warehouse. I just told him to substitute the missing blank with something similar. I'm getting really impatient now, I submitted this order three weeks ago, and its still not out the door! Grrr. He said he'd email me when he got the estimate sometime over the weekend. Well, weekend's almost over, and my patience is wearing thin. Maybe its time to try a different foam company. :(

I guess I should focus my energy on things to do before I can shape (even if I did have my blanks in hand). Namely, making a template. My first board shall be a twin keel fish. Slightly thinner than my Brom fish, and one inch shorter. Will have to do some research on how to do this correctly, but I'm thinking of just tracing my Brom fish onto cardboard/masonite and then cutting it out. Must research on Swaylocks for validation and/or other ideas.

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