Monday, July 16, 2007

Works in Progress

Even though there haven't been any updates in some time, it doesn't mean I have been slacking off. I'm currently working on three boards, and my friend is also working on one. The two big ones are twin 8' funboards, the shortboard is my "practice" blank turned #001, and the fish shape is my friend's 6'0" Mandala clone.

I hope to have these finished by next week. Thereafter I'll set up for glassing. Gulp!

Here's my new planer. The depth adjustment knob on this one is much easier/smoother to turn than the other one (which was stolen). Now I can actually make depth changes during my cuts, something I was unable to do with the previous planer. In fact, this ability has helped my planing tremendously! Guess having the "bad" planer stolen was a blessing in disguise :)

I dunno what you call these things, they're like giant spherical snowflakes that float around in the spring/summer. One of them landed on this blank while I was working on it the other day. I heard they're supposed to bring good luck...

...unfortunately it didn't help when shortly thereafter I dug my fingernail into the blank while surforming....



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